"The Swallow"
- Rabu, 17 Juli 2024
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“The Swallow”
by Constantine
The swallow is a type of bird that travels for long distances in search of food. During the winter, many people think that these birds hibernate like other animals, but the fact is they do not hibernate. Instead, they migrate thousands of kilometres at night, for example, from America to Argentina or from Europe to Africa. There is a specific reason behind these thousands of kilometres of journey. It is said that these birds love insects and seeds. In winter, when the food supply decreases, they migrate to tropical areas in search of food, and when winter is over, they return.
The story of the swallow resonates with the students at Pancasila Senior High School in Borong. Every year, many students leave, and many students arrive. They leave because they have graduated, and they come because they have dreams. Annually, precisely in the summer, many students from remote areas of East Manggarai come here, to Pancasila Senior High School. Their arrival is not merely a visit but is driven by the belief that Pancasila Senior High School is not just a school but also a home. How come? Just look at its motto: "Non scholae sed vitae discimus" (We learn not for graduation but for life). In short, this motto teaches not only about grades but also about attitude, especially how to survive. They are willing to leave their hometowns in Jong, Mukun, Paleng, Wae Lengga, and others because they believe that Pancasila Senior High School offers something they long for. Like swallows, they travel far to come here, like swallows, they do not want to starve, and like swallows, they want to survive. So, welcome to Pancasila Senior High School to all of you, a place where school feels like home; a place where you will find another you.
“The swallow”
Swallow adalah sejenis burung yang bisa melakukan perjalanan yang sangat jauh demi mendapatkan makanan. Di waktu musim dingin, banyak orang berpikir bahwa burung ini hibernasi seperti Binatang lainnya tetapi faktanya menunjukan bahwa merka tidak berhibernasi, tetapi dimalam hari mereka akan bermigrasi hingga ribuan kilometer, sebut saja dari amerika ke Argentina atau dari eropa ke Afrika. Perjalanan beribu-ribu kilometer ini tentu punya alasan tersendiri. Diceritakan bahwa burung-burung ini suka akan serangga dan biji-bijian. Di musim winter, Ketika stok makanan berkurang, mereka akan bermigrasi demi mencari makanan di daerah tropis, dan jika winter telah berlalu maka mereka akan Kembali.
Cerita tentang swallow ini selaras dengan siswa-siswa di SMA Pancasila Borong. Setiap tahun banyak siswa yang pergi dan banyak siswa yang datang. Mereka pergi karena mereka telah tamat dan mereka datang karena mereka punya mimpi. Tiap tahun persis di musim panas, banyak siswa dari pelosok Manggarai Timur datang kemari, ke SMA Pancasila. Kedatangan mereka tentu bukan sekadar visitasi semata melainkan karena adanya keyakinan bahwa SMA Pancasila bukan sekedar sekolah tetapi juga rumah. Loh kok bisa? Lihat saja motonya non scholae sed vitae discimus(sekolah itu bukan untuk lulus melainkan untk hidup). Singkat kata, motto ini mengajarkan bukan hanya soal nilai tetapi attitude terutama bagaima bisa hidup. Mereka rela meninggalkan kampung halaman mereka di Jong, Mukun, Paleng, Wae lengga dll karena keyakinan bahwa di Pancasila ada sesuatu yang dirindukan. Seperti swallow mereka berjalan jauh kemari, seperti swallow mereka tidak ingin kelaparan dan seperti swallow mereka ingin survive. So, marilah bergabung Bersama SMA Pancasila, tempat dimana sekolah ibarat rumah; sebuah temapt dimana kamu akan menemukan kamu yang berbeda.